Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Around the House

Many of you have wondered what Portland looks like, or at least, what we see every day. Here are a few pics from "around the house."

        Make-shift Pantry                             Kitchen Table

A View of the Apartment Complex

Our Door Mat

Some Plants on the Balcony

The Beginnings of Rain... 

Food Carts.

A Quick Look at the City from the Car Window.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Discipleship Training School Started

I feel like maybe we should just all face the fact that, well, I'm not much of a blogger. So, for those of you reading, feel so loved because I'm posting for you all! I really do want to stay connected and want everyone to know what's going on, have a picture of where we live, etc.! It is sooooo important!

October marked the start of the Discipleship Training School. We have seven committed and super fun students. Tomorrow, we announce where we are taking them on their overseas outreach ; ). 

This is the class:

This is where we meet. It is the semi-finished basement of our office building. And guess what, we get to use it for free! And, we don't have to set up and tear down every week!

This is me of course... Christian was testing camera options.

The DTS retreat was at a mountain-ish cabin on Sandy River. It was beautiful. Here is the class eating dinner.

Here are a few pictures from around the cabin. Just to make you a tad jeali...

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Well, it has now been... a month... I know, I know... since our last post. What was I thinking when I told myself I would keep everyone up to date via a blog? A blog - that requires uploading photos to the computer first, sitting down at the computer and looking at a screen - something I've never done pre-Portland? Hmmm. I'm not sure exactly. I did add it to my fall 2012 goals though so we'll see if I keep up.

The last month, the last few weeks really, have been busy.

We did another outreach at Barberry Apartment Complex:

Christian, Blake and I went to Costco and purchased 150 hot dogs, buns, chips and water bottles. We also tasted a smoothie, apple cider, and ice-cream made in a BlendTech blender. If BlendTech blenders weren't so expensive, I would have bought it right then and there. It will make soup, peanut butter, flour, smoothies, ice cream, cider, and so much more. We were thoroughly amazed.

The outreach involved food and fixing bikes. Needless to say, my role at the outreach was to play with kids and help facilitate food as I have no clue how to fix a bike.

We served hot dog after hot dog. Justin, lead pastor of The Door is on the far left in this photo.

Christian cooked the hotdogs on the grill - how he fit so many on there and got them all hot without burning them quickly enough to feed everyone - who knows. He is a grilling stud. That's for sure.

At one point, Christian and I looked behind us to find that his truck had become the kids' playground! They were playing all kinds of games, climbing on the cab, and seeing how hard they could rock the truck. Of course, we snapped a picture. ; )

The Sunday evening after the outreach, I needed alone time so Christian went to watch a movie with the Dorrohs and I stayed home to read. I ended up reading "Changing the World through Discipleship" by Robert Herber in one sitting. It was fabulous.

This is just a glimpse of what mornings look like for me. I don't always read and journal but more often than not, I am sitting at this table (Craigslist find) with my coffee. 

I walk almost every day down a street near our apartment. It is a quieter street compared to my other options and I like to look at everyone's gardens along the way. Even though people don't have large yards, they maximize the yard space they have to plant fruits and vegetables. I have a lot to learn but our little balcony garden is going strong! Here are pics from my walking path...

This is spinach from our balcony garden. We actually didn't eat it because it wilted so quickly (does anyone know why it wilts so fast?) but I enjoyed picking it. 

This is a pic from when we watched the Dorroh girls the other night. This little world changer gave Christian a hair do and could not have been more proud of herself. 

After Christian had his hair done, we decided to have a hair styling train. So fun!

This morning, Christian and I went on a breakfast date to Jam on Hawthorne. It is quickly becoming our favorite place to eat breakfast here. The food is great but even more than that, we love the servers. They are fun and make us laugh every time we come in. Christian got french toast and I had oatmeal chia blueberry pancakes. They were amazing.