Saturday, February 9, 2013

Our family of two is now THREE! 

We are having a baby! Our little one is set to arrive sometime mid to late August (we are probably going to take bets to see if it lands on my Dad's (19th), brother's (14th) or Debbie's (21'st) birthday once we get a bit closer.

This is the ultrasound pic from 9 wks. The Dr. ordered it to double check the due date and she was glad she did because it puts me and Baby two weeks later than she had initially thought. ; )

This is the barely existent belly. Jeans are tight but wearable at this point.

No cravings so far. Just aversion to crunchy foods for a few weeks in late Dec. and early Jan.. That is gone now though and all food is good food! 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

No fun pictures to share for today but I do want to share about the fun and new model we are using as a Church plant.

We have transitioned fully from meeting at Academy Theatre to meeting in the home of our lead pastors, the Dorrohs. Rather than a more traditional service where everyone comes in, sits down, stands for worship, sits for sermon, and leaves... we now function in more of a home church or family church model. This means that on Sunday mornings we have a potluck brunch and family meal together to start things off. It has been amazing to see the deep community that has come out of simply sharing a meal together every week. After plenty of time to eat and talk, we move into a time of worship and then discussion. The end time varies every week as community determines the length of time rather than structure.

What an amazing shift this is. It allows the structure to support our vision. Rather than the structure fighting our vision. It also fits our city better. Portland is known for being non-institutional - having a family model feels less institutional to people than a traditional Sunday service.

Another change is that we have, for the time, done away with Life Groups. In the grand scheme of being an Antioch (AMI) church plant, this at first felt - well, almost illegal. However, we believe God is saying that community and family gatherings will begin to  happen organically rather than through set gathering times every week. Since we made this change, people in our community have over and over said that they are enjoying not having something in the middle of the week at a set time that they feel, for whatever reason, obligated to attend. We have also noticed who those individuals are who are natural gatherers and have a heart to foster community as they have risen up to plan hang outs, worship nights, etc.. So, even without Life Groups, community is actually happening more. It is amazing.

Something else that we are doing are Discovery Bible Studies. More than just doing the step by step process of DBS, we have utilized its core components in every area of church, discipleship, our training school, staff meetings, encounters with people in every day life, and evangelism. The core components are essentially scripture, questions, revelation and prayer. When we meet for discipleship or DBS, we read scripture, ask questions about that scripture, and let others answer the questions as Holy Spirit gives revelation. It is amazing the depth of revelation and encouragement that comes from these meetings.

So, thats the skinny on our new structure and DBS.