Thursday, November 7, 2013

November here we are

October was beautifully full. We moved The Door to a new location. It is called Rosewood and is a community center of sorts that provides space for many organizations to serve the community. It is located in outer Southeast Portland. 

We prayer walked our first Sunday there and felt God speak many things over the area: restoration of families, increased awareness of the Kingdom of God, resilience of heart, life and beauty. Believe with us for those things in the Rockwood neighborhood where The Door is located. 

Not only did we change locations but we added a new member to our team. The Dorroh's had their little boy Jack on October 27th. He is quite the little cutie! 

November is going to be quite full as well. Christian and I went to a cousin's wedding in Kansas City and were able to connect with family - though only briefly. Allie did great traveling. I mean, GREAT. She could not have been more flexible and chill - no tears on the flights - was smiling and cooing at everyone  - ABSOLUTELY GREAT. She is such a little gift in the lives of all. 

We have begun ministering to college students at Concordia University and are already seeing fruit of lives being radically transformed. WOW!

Vision Sunday is this week. We will be unpacking a lot of the structure of The Door as well as envisioning our group for the direction of the Church. Please pray for concise communication, understanding, and a passion to rise within our midst to see Portland changed! 

So many good things are happening!

Monday, October 7, 2013

It's Been A While... Again

It's been a hectic couple of months - but wait - I said that last time I posted. Maybe it hasn't been hectic and I've just chosen other things to do besides blog... yup, that's it. I've not made it a priority to do this - the reason for sporadic, sparse, and few posts is my own choice not a hectic life. Now we all know the truth. : ).

It is October and wildly beautiful in the Pacific Northwest. Whereas last fall, Christian and I were floundering with what to do with ourselves amidst the rain, adjustments to a new city, building new relationships and so much more; this fall, we find ourselves enjoying the colors, brisk mornings, and rain showers that fall over our city almost daily. Though we still miss home (I mean let's me honest, no other state can say "OKLA-HOME-A") we are feeling more settled here. That might be because we moved into a rental house and out of an apartment, we have friends within walking distance, and my Mom and sisters helped us decorate when they came in town to meet Allie Joy. Speaking of...

Isn't she just the cutest?! We love her to death. These were our attempts at newborn photos. She is seven weeks old now (I think she was maybe 4 weeks old in these pictures) and we are enjoying every minute with her. Really. We love being parents!

In other news: 

The short term team made it back safe and sound from South Africa! They had a blast and saw God move in some really powerful ways. The team learned what it looks like to disciple and look for opportunities to minister within normal life. They learned to rest and rely on God to bring people into their day rather than to strive to find people. A small group was formed and several women were connected to the long term team. WOW! Thanks God!

Christian finished up his Portland Net training in disaster relief. What an opportunity for him to learn more of what is going on state-side in disaster relief efforts. He continues to work with Acts of Mercy and City Team, as well as Portland Net to coordinate Church efforts in disaster relief. 

As we continue to see a discipleship movement begin and grow in Portland, we have a practical need to move our Church location - again. So, we are now moving The Door further into outer Southeast Portland to a neighborhood called Rosewood. On Sundays we will be meeting in a large room that is owned by The Rosewood Initiative. During the week, the room is used for a basic after-school program, mentoring space, community gathering place for police, business owners, apartment managers, etc.. We are believing for creative ways to utilize the space for our needs and are thanking God for the $25/week we will pay to use it for now. This location will help us to also better reach the neighborhoods in which we are ministering! 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

When someone hasn't updated their blog since April, you can almost always assume life is either going great, crazy, both in the best way ever, and or that they have been incredibly busy. That's been us. Hence, the picture of us in an orange VW bus coming out of a wall... crazy.

We travelled to Oklahoma in May to raise financial support and increase our prayer team. When we got there, so did a huge tornado which devastated many in the Moore, Norman and Oklahoma City area. Christian helped Acts of Mercy International coordinate their relief efforts through Antioch Norman. What a blessing for him to get to step in and lead teams, coordinate outreach, and be a part of God's sweet plan for Moore, Oklahoma. You can learn more about Acts of Mercy on their website:

We extended our trip and didn't arrive home until June. Between disaster relief, support raising, a baby shower, and family time - blogging went out the window.

We returned home to Portland in early June, the Door's intern moved in with us and we hit the ground running with community outreach, events, and a strategy planning meeting.

In July, we moved into a house, had a college team from Waco come up, some friends temporarily move in (pictured above left), more strategy meetings, community events, and so much more. It could not have been more full of LIFE. Really, truly full of life.

Now it is August - more to come on all this later!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Crazy fun, crazy busy... April

First things first: Baby Updates
We are having a baby girl! And, as of now, her name will be Allie Joy Madrid (unless of course that changes for some reason between now and mid-August). We could not be more excited!

Other Fun Things...

We are heading home in May:
In May, we will be traveling to Oklahoma to connect with family and friends, refuel, and raise support. If you want to connect with us while we are there - shoot us an email or call us with some times that work for you!

Summer intern comes to Portland:
This summer we are going to have an intern at The Door! His name is Kyle, he is a college student, and we are so excited for him to come! He will stay with the Dorroh's for just a bit while we are in Oklahoma and will then move in with us for the rest of the summer. We are so excited to have a college student spend a couple of months with us!

Discovery Bible Studies - everywhere we turn:
We are now doing discovery Bible studies within the Door, outside of the Door, helping to train people to do them, and still looking for people of peace. It has been amazing to see these small groups of discovery based bible study take off within our city. We are seeing them happen with singles, marrieds, and even kids! So exciting! Believe with us for continued favor as we build relationships with community development leaders, pastors, university students, refugees, and people within the Door.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Blog upate

Hi everyone!

We are going to keep this update for more church/ministry related updates but I am going to start my own blog, For whatever reason, trying to blog from both Christian and I's perspective - rather than just my own, has just been hard. I think I will feel more free to just be me if it is my own space rather than an update page for our life. You would think that blogging would not be that hard but I guess for some of us, it just is. We'll see how it goes with the new space and if I blog more than I have here but I think it will at least be a start. And, it will probably be more fun. So, join me at laughter-full and journey with me through my ponderings!

We will keep this one updated monthly - with very similar updates as our email updates so it will be a great place to keep in touch with updates with the Church, ministry, and work here in general.

Thanks for encouraging and loving us so well on this journey!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Friend in town

Today has been so fun! First off, our friend Benjy is in town. And - as I'm sure anyone would agree - having friends in town (no matter where you live) is the most fun thing ever! We love catching up, sharing life, laughing and having deep heart conversations with life long friends - it really is the best thing ever. Second, the sun is out! And, on top of it being out today, it is going to be out all weekend! I mean, really - what a blessing! And the third fun thing - is we got to see some pretty cool sites and just enjoy the beauty of where we live! Here are some pics.

Benjy & Christian at Vista House

The view from Vista House

Me at the Vista House overlook

The Vista House

A new waterfall we found - I can't remember the name : /

Multnomah Falls

Christian & Benjy at Multnomah Falls

The flowers on our deck - they finally bloomed!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Our family of two is now THREE! 

We are having a baby! Our little one is set to arrive sometime mid to late August (we are probably going to take bets to see if it lands on my Dad's (19th), brother's (14th) or Debbie's (21'st) birthday once we get a bit closer.

This is the ultrasound pic from 9 wks. The Dr. ordered it to double check the due date and she was glad she did because it puts me and Baby two weeks later than she had initially thought. ; )

This is the barely existent belly. Jeans are tight but wearable at this point.

No cravings so far. Just aversion to crunchy foods for a few weeks in late Dec. and early Jan.. That is gone now though and all food is good food!