Saturday, February 9, 2013

Our family of two is now THREE! 

We are having a baby! Our little one is set to arrive sometime mid to late August (we are probably going to take bets to see if it lands on my Dad's (19th), brother's (14th) or Debbie's (21'st) birthday once we get a bit closer.

This is the ultrasound pic from 9 wks. The Dr. ordered it to double check the due date and she was glad she did because it puts me and Baby two weeks later than she had initially thought. ; )

This is the barely existent belly. Jeans are tight but wearable at this point.

No cravings so far. Just aversion to crunchy foods for a few weeks in late Dec. and early Jan.. That is gone now though and all food is good food! 


  1. so funny- I CRAVED all crunchy foods my first trimester!!!

    1. Ha that is so funny! I keep waiting for cravings besides smooth stuff to hit but they just haven't yet... I guess we will see. ; )
